
This is a picture of my favorite chocolate.

This image was obtained from

What is the image about?
The PNG file represents my favorite sweet.

What do you find interesting about the image?
The fact that we do not see the background color of the picture.

What graphic format does the image use?
The image uses PNG format.

Characteristics of PNG format

  1. Support millions of colors
  2. Support multiple levels of transparency
  3. Combines the best of GIF and JPEG

My World

This is a GIF file of our World.

This image was obtained from

What is the image about?
The image represents an illusion.

What do you find interesting about the image?
I like that the image moves.

What graphic format does the image use?
The image uses GIF format.

Characteristics of GIF format

  1. Best used for line art and logos
  2. maximum of 256 colors
  3. Can be animated


This is a picture of a Sunflower.

This image was obtained from

What is the image about?
This image represents a cute picture of a baby seal.

What do you find interesting about the image?
I really like the high quality of the file.

What graphic format does the image use?
The image uses GIF format.

Characteristics of JPG format

  1. Best used for photographs
  2. Up to 16.7 million colors
  3. Cannot be animated
  4. Cannot be made transparent